Why book a Henny Penny Hatching Program?
Why book a Henny Penny Hatching Program?
From the time that first, tiny, bedraggled chick stumbles out of its shell, you will have a captive audience. Whether your program is located in a school, a childcare centre, an aged care facility, a library, or any other venue, those who gather around the set-up will observe with anticipation as the tiny creature finally emerges, dries out and becomes a cute, fluffy chick, ready to face the world.
The antics of the new chicks will then be watched and commented upon with great enjoyment throughout the remainder of the program, and for many weeks thereafter.

For children in particular, these observations become a major point of discussion
A series of shared experiences which they can verbalise and which will enhance communication on all levels. Teachers who use the program with their students have found a range of educationally relevant ways in which their classes can respond to their individual experiences. These include the creation of drawings, poems, stories, journal entries, oral presentations and more.
By booking a Henny Penny Hatching program you will be providing your participants with an experience which will be remembered, discussed and treasured for years to come. Our program is designed to bring you maximum enjoyment, minimum hassle and the wonderful opportunity to nurture and care for living creatures, whilst studying their life-cycle.
If you would like further details on how a Henny Penny Hatching program can be used at your venue...
Click on the ‘Venues’ tab and go to the relevant link. To book a program, or to enquire about our program, please complete a ‘Booking/Enquiry’ form for your local eggspert.
If you are interested in booking, but your venue does not appear in the list, feel free to use the contact form to ask us how we can help you.
Please note, unfortunately we do not provide our service to private homes.