Outside School Hours & Vacation Care Centres
Using the Henny Penny Hatching Program
The Henny Penny Hatching program is an inexpensive and ideal way of keeping those after school and vacation care children both entertained and occupied. It can be incorporated into your program at any time of the year; however, the Easter vacation is a particularly popular time for many of these centres to book with us, so if you are interested in booking for the Easter break, it is important that you get in early so that you don’t miss out. The spring vacation is another popular time.
Co-ordinators of Outside Hours and Vacation Care programs have found that the Henny Penny Hatching Program is well suited to children of all ages and that it provides endless opportunities for observation and interaction.

Suitable for all ages
The older children benefit from learning how to care for the chicks themselves, and from supervising the younger children who gather round the pen and take supervised turns at gently holding the chicks. Sitting around the hatcher, watching chicks emerge from their shells, or observing the previously hatched chicks at play in the big, clear-sided brooding pen are fabulous indoor activities which encourage a settled environment.
Staff at Outside School Hours and Vacation Care Centres have expressed amazement and delight at how calm and settled even the most active of children can become when taking part in this experience.
Parents also love our program and are keen to participate. What a great way to involve parents in your centre, and what a wonderful experience for them to share with their children!
The Henny Penny Hatching program is becoming very popular with Outside Hours and Vacation Care Centres.
We encourage you to book now and let your young charges join in and enjoy this fabulous experience.
Once you have booked you will be provided with a code, which will allow you access to a range of helpful resources, including complete units, a variety of activity sheets for all age groups and instructions to help you with the actual running of the program once it arrives.