Using the Henny Penny Hatching Program
The Henny Penny Hatching program is a hassle-free, interactive program which has great appeal for patrons of all ages. Locate a Henny Penny Hatching unit unobtrusively in a corner and you can be sure that it will be a drawcard for many of your patrons who will gather around, mesmerised by the eggs as they begin to rock inside the hatcher, and by the tiny chirps that come from within.
The little ‘peck hole’ which appears in the egg next, sometimes followed by a beak, always draws many comments, then the observers watch with fascination and awe as a tiny chick gradually emerges and kicks itself free from the shell.

The colourful chart which accompanies the program will help to stimulate the enquiring mind and the whole experience will appeal to the natural curiosity of all.

State libraries have already integrated the Henny Penny Hatching program...
A number of State libraries have already integrated the Henny Penny Hatching program very successfully into their children’s vacation and after school activities. Children’s Book Week. Children’s Week, Under 8’s Week, the Easter holidays and the spring break are excellent times in which to incorporate our program into your library presentations.
Once you have booked you will be provided with code, which will allow you access to a range of helpful resources, including puzzles and activities for a variety of age groups and also instructions to help you with the actual running of the program once it arrives.
We encourage you to book with us soon and let your patrons experience the fun!