Aged Care Facilities
Using the Henny Penny Hatching Program
The Henny Penny Hatching program is an inexpensive and hassle-free program which provides residents with hours of enjoyment. It is also an ideal source of entertainment for those visiting grandkids.
Locate a Henny Penny Hatching unit in a communal area, such as the residents’ lounge. You can then be sure that residents, staff and visitors will all be mesmerised. Your residents will have plenty to chat about around the brooding pen as they observe the eggs rocking inside the hatcher and hear little chirps coming from within.
The little ‘peck hole’ which appears in the egg next, sometimes followed by a beak, always draws comments. The observers then watch with fascination and awe as a tiny chick gradually emerges and kicks itself free from the shell.

After this, the residents can enjoy watching the chicks at play in the large, clear-sided brooding pen at any time of the day or night.
We even provide a net to cover the brooding pen, which will protect the chicks from your resident cat!
The antics of the playful chicks provide a welcome change from watching the telly. Staff at facilities who use our program report many a nostalgic childhood memory being recounted by residents who are gathered around the brooding pen.
Interaction between the residents and the chicks is encouraged. The therapeutic benefits of interacting with animals is widely recognised and staff at many centres even take the chicks in to visit with residents who are bedridden.
The Henny Penny Hatching program is very popular already with a number of aged care facilities, who book with us every year. Comments from the nursing staff and Diversional Therapists and Lifestyle co-ordinators who work at these centres include the following:
- "We found that residents who never usually spoke to each other interacted!"
- "Amazed at the reaction of the residents in the dementia unit, they loved it."
- "Grandparents loved to show their grandchildren”.
- “They loved watching the chicks instead of TV."
- "They would have had their lunch at the pen if they could have, they enjoyed it so much!"
Once you've booked!
Once you have booked you will be provided with a code, which will allow you access to a range of helpful resources, including our simple instructions to help you with the actual running of the program once it arrives. We encourage you to book with us soon and let your residents experience the fun.